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Hi there!


Thanks for showing interest in this e-book! I really do hope that it brings you a step closer in your career. I assume that through finding it that you already know a bit about me but (just in case) I thought I’d take a few moments to tell you about what scientific writing I’ve done and what I’m passionate about, because the worst thing that you can do is take advice from someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about. So I graduated from Biomedical Science at the University of Birmingham in 2017 and have written quite a number of essays, abstracts, literature reviews and presentations as part of my course. During the course, I also undertook a number of research placements, for which I had to apply for and also submit grant applications to fund my research. Through this, I was able to (somehow) graduate with a first class honours degree and moved on to study Medicine at King’s College London, where I continued to write essays as part of my course. Whilst studying in medical school, I also joined a research lab at Guy’s Hospital, and I’ve been doing research there for 2 different groups: one in

dermatology and one in urology (I have some videos on my research experience over on my Youtube channel). Over the past few years in these research groups, I have been fortunate enough to have published 2 research papers in prestigious and peer review journals (you can search me on Pubmed if you’re interested) and I am currently in the process of writing my first ever paper as a first author. For each year of my research, I have had to write numerous applications to fund my research locally and also my international trips abroad to Greece and Taiwan.


I don’t say any of this with the intention of showing off, but to hopefully build trust in you in my ability to help you improve your essay writing technique and to also inspire you to what you too can achieve. If you’ve seen my Youtube videos, you know that I don’t come from a well-educated family background, and maybe you’re the same, but whatever your experience or competency I hope that this e-book helps you in reaching your own personal aims. In addition to using this e-book, I’d also highly encourage you to check out my free online essay writing course which you can access here: . It has even more advice that I hope provides additional value to you. Enjoy and good luck!

Kenji's Essay Writing Advice

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